What is Window, Document and Screen in Java Script ?

Vijay R.B.
2 min readDec 3, 2020

Window,Document and Screen are the three different Java Script objects you can easily find on any Web browser console.

HTML DOM Structure

From these three Java Script object the window Objects holds the top most position.Where the document and screen are properties of the window.

How to access window object ?

In any browser console type window

You will get a lot of information about the particular window,but actually in the particular tab,each and every tab has its own window object.

OK What is document object contains?

Document is constructed after the window, Ok what we will find when we type document in the console? lets see.

Its actually contains the html structure and other content that used to build this particular tab.

This too cleared

But what is Screen Object contains ? lets see

It contains the dimensions and styles used in the particular screen to display the result.

Yay, now we got to know What is window,document and screen object contains in Java Script.


